Friday, February 6, 2015

February 6 - Dear Nicholas Sparks

Dear Mr. Sparks,
It's now just 1 week until our charity's 20th Anniversary.   We are working hard to try to raise $1,000,000 by February 12th.  We are 98% of the way there.   Less than $24,000 from reaching that goal.

Why is meeting this goal so important?   Well, besides the fact that these babies need research funding, CDH needs awareness and families need support... this is a huge milestone that's been 20 years in the making. 

I know I have mentioned this goal in letters before but it's a very important one.   When our charity can say "We raised $1 million for CDH", it is not just us saying that.   Every family, every mom and dad and grandparent, aunt, uncle, survivor and friend who ever donated, held a fundraiser, bought a CDH Awareness item can say "I helped to raise $1 million for CDH"!   To be able to fight back against Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia is huge!

For about 6 months now we have posted "Fundraiser Fridays", giving parents ideas of ways that they can help us fund research and services, as well as raise awareness.  

We have a Firstgiving page that allows people to donate directly to the charity and also see immediately how much closer their donation is taking us to our $1,000,000 goal.  Families and friends can also create pages in honor or in memory of their cherubs to share their stories, photos and videos for free and to fundraise in their child's name.

We have volunteers who will help families hold fundraisers and a webpage that gives them lots of fundraiser ideas complete with easy instructions on how to hold them.

Though these brochures are for information on fundraisers that anyone can download and use, we post them for our charity supporters who want to help CDH families or want to give forward.

We put a lot of work into fundraising to run our charity and to continue to help families.  A lot of time goes into event planning, meeting with potential donors, marketing, creating graphics for fundraising items, etc.   We work hard to raise CDH funds in a professional manner that also raises awareness.  We even created a CDH Fundraising Kit to help families fundraise for our charity also. 

We have a lot of cherubs to help and we subsist solely on donations and volunteers, offering free services to families in 60 countries with a very small shoe-string budget.  Every donation, every event, every bracelet and t-shirt sold truly makes a difference.   It is a huge team effort to operate a charity of this size.

So you see, reaching the $1,000,000 is the culmination of the hard work of 100's of people over 2 decades.  It's more families helped, more research funded, more awareness.   Another very big step in the fight against Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia.

7 days to raise $24,000.   Never underestimate CDH families.  

Dawn M. Torrence Williamson
Determined CDH charity leader

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