Dear Mr. Sparks,
This being our charity's 20th year, we are holding a $20 for 20 Years fundraiser, asking families to give back and donate $20 to help other CDH families.
$20 is a lot of money for many CDH families so we want them to get their money's worth for their donation (in addition to all of our help over the years). Part of the plan to do that is for every $20 that families donate or fundraise for this project, they will have 1 quilt square on the CDH Awareness Quilt.
For 2015, this quilt will be virtual on our homepage, displaying photos of these beautiful children.
In 2016, this quilt will become real. Hopefully we will have volunteers helping or I will be doing a whole lot of sewing but this will be worth it.
The CDH Awareness Quilt will go on tour and be displayed at large events, in hospitals and in public buildings to raise awareness of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia.
It is our hope that there will be so many photos submitted that we must create more than one quilt. The more quilts that we have, the more places that we can raise Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia.
Maybe, just maybe, our quilt will be so large that we can display it in Washington DC on April 19, 2016.
We dream big around here. It's the only way to achieve big things for these children.
Dawn M. Torrence Williamson
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